God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16
God created us out of love and designed us to find our significance, acceptance and security in Him. We’ve chosen not to, we’ve rejected Him, and that’s basically what sin is. Now we're desperately trying to find all those good things in everything except God. That’s the cause of all the brokenness in the world, and the longing in your heart.
God is just, so there has to be consequences for sin. People who reject Him throughout their life will face those consequences. But God is love. He sent Jesus into our mess to take the punishment we deserve so that we could have everything He deserves. A great exchange – all your sin, failures, weaknesses, regrets and shame were given to Him. All His love, forgiveness, restoration and life given to you. Wow!
In death Jesus conquered all sin and evil, then He rose to life because death could not hold Him. Death holds you now, but when you put your faith in Him you will be set free. Free to live. Free to love and worship Him. Free to love others well. Free to share the wonderful news of His love and follow Him until he calls you home to be with Him forever.
All this is yours when you believe and accept Jesus as your Lord and Saviour. Contact us or drop in to the Centre if you want to talk or pray.